Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can there be Art?

As I mentioned my friend George is here getting inspired, so what better place to go than to the art museums! Mike was quite happy he didn't have to go since he doesn't care for art museums, so it was perfect for us. We headed to the Mori Art Museum, which has a special exhibit on "Can there be Art?" The purpose of the exhibit is to answer the question particularily in times of recession since the arts are the first things to go. All the exhibits have everyday useful things that get thrown out, but it shows how they can be made into art. It was a really cool exhibit and I was allowed to take pictures just without the flash on!
Here is one that shows excess, but I thought it was great. If you can't read it, it's entitled "Art is in the party"

I have seen houses that look this bad and worse when lots of people are there with tons of alcohol.

I thought the cake was cool because it was sitting on wine and champagne bottles

Here is my favorite exhibit...and the picture came out great! It's just a wall painted black, but then all these pieces (similar to bike reflectors) are put in this great pattern. AMAZING.

Now this piece was really cool. It had 3 parts that were all hooked up together to play music. The picture not shown is of a stacked music area.

The robot looks cool and as the music would play, various parts would move or light up....Can you find what is lit up?

George and I both enjoyed the exhibit and at the end we even got to vote for the best one. You all know which one I picked! He picked one that was a serious of pictures that told a story about a Japanese man marrying a Korean Japanese. Interesting story. Great answer is definitely, YES!
Oh and I as finish this post, an earthquake just happened. I know because I felt it as I sat on the couch...never a dull moment in Tokyo.

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