Saturday, August 14, 2010


So I have been lazy and haven't posted some of the cool cultural things we have done. A couple of weeks ago, we went to an Omikoshi party that the contracting office Mike works in was having. So "Omikoshi" is a festival that prays/celebrates something for the coming year. A portable shrine is assembled and people are suppose to carry it around a specified path. The portable shrine is actually kind of big and heavy, from what Mike said. This omikoshi was praying for a good crop season. Here they are bringing the shrine to get it ready to bless and then start the parade! Praying/blessing of the shrine So here we are prior to starting the festival. Everyone was in t-shirts, made especially for this occasion. Prior to starting, the president of Chiyoda said some words, then everyone prayed, and then we all drank sake to start. I didn't believe Mike when he said that the chanting and bobbing of the shrine lasts until the next station, but it. After arriving at the first station, we were greeted with beverages! Next, all the ladies were able to take a turn and carry the shrine. I did not partake, but I am ok with that. This crazy girl was about to fall out of these shoes. The women got about half way to the 2nd station, before they switched out. Next it was Mike's turn and he got right in front, so of course I took pictures. You will see some random guy in front of him and he was always looking at the camera thinking I was taking pictures of him, when I wasn't.

Here are a few videos of the processional. Here is where you can see Mike rolling his eyes and me laughing.

The chanting keeps going!

This was actually really fun and I had a good time. After arriving at the 3rd and final station, everyone went into the cafeteria to have a party, which was great. There was food and drinks galore. Here I am with the beer girls. I realize that Mike should have posed with them, but I did instead!

Definitely glad I went down to meet Mike and partake in this experience. Let's hope they have a good crop and a good year, this year!

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