Well, our good friend Erik, is here visiting and we decided to try to go see another game. Luck was with this time as the game was not rained out nor was there any hint of it in the air. So last night we went to the ball game and it was such a gorgeous night for it, we couldn't have asked for better weather. We, however, did ask for a better team, seeing as how the Swallows were not making the cut last night. I of course, cheered for the team when they scored a HR, thinking it was the Swallows. Oh well. Here are Mike and Erik enjoying the game!
The game was fun and as usual its never a dull moment. Here is video of umbrellas, yes umbrellas, doing a dance after one of the Swallows players finally hit a HR. It was quite amusing, to say the least and of course, everyone was in unison!
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