We also got to see the white tigers, which were great. One of them kept pacing back and forth with a scowl on this face.
On our way back to the entrance, we heard these loud crys from somewhere. We managed to get to the right area and the baboons were going crazy, literally. They were screeching and running around like they were mad. In some instances, one baboon would be attack or covered by the other baboons. It looked like they were fighting, but then looked they were trying to mate. I don't know, but it was interesting to watch.
After the zoo, it was time for the night safari, which conveniently was next door.
Before the gates opened, we sat down and had a drink. Little did we know that we were in the right place for the opening show. It was cool and they were doing all kinds of tricks with fire. Before it ended, we headed over early to the theatre to catch another show, which was ok, but not great.
Finally it was time to see the actual night safari, which is getting in a tram that drives around, allowing you to see the animals. You could also walk it, but that is up to you. We did get off and walk one area where we got to go into this bat area.
I know the picture isn't great, but that is a fruit bat eating the hanging fruit. The bats would zip past you and it was weird, but really cool to see actual bats.
We saw a bunch of animals, but it was hard to take pictures b/c we couldn't use flash and the tram was moving. We have mental images and if I could show you, I would. I also realize this trip was full of animal excursions, but whatever. We were quite pleased Singapore and glad we only did it for a weekend, because we pretty much saw everything there was to see. It was a good trip and great to see Angie Lee.
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