Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Decor in Casa Miles

Contrary to popular belief, there is Christmas in Japan with lights, trees, and all kinds of decorations. It isn't an actual holiday here, but they still love to partake in the festivities, which I am ok with!

So I didn't bring any Christmas decorations with me, why, because I listened to Mike, which obviously was a mistake. It doesn't feel like Christmas until there is some decoration in the house. Well, I went out and found some decorations to make it more holidayish in our house.
Below is my Christmas nook...I bought new stockings and used an obi as the runner on the stairs. It's silver and with a great design that looks festive for the holidays and my little tree!

Next comes the table and this year, blue and silver are the colors. I used another silver obi as the table runner and a blue vase we had, which I filled with blue and silver ornaments.

Here's an up close of the obi. Its a flower design and has shiny parts, which makes it stand out. I must admit, these past few months, I have been in search of silver or gold obis for the holidays. All my flea market shopping paid off.

I'll be anxious to see if the table display is in the same spot or not once I get back from the states. Mike's not a big fan of decor, much less table decor, which could get in his way. Happy Christmas season.

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