About half way there, we stopped at a local restaurant to have lunch and taste more the local food. This place was also a crocodile farm, where they bred crocs and then sold them...We arrived early, so we were able to check out the "farm"
This guy was SCARY...
They were mating in the water...literally
After our visit, it was time for lunch, where we got to try crocodile...hmmmm Actually it wasn't bad at all, just very chewy
After lunch, we continued our drive, but made an additional stop at the town where our guide was born. We visited with some of his family members and even got to see his family burial plot. Interesting. Then we continued on our way and finally arrived at our last hotel in Vietnam, the Chau Doc Victoria.
What a beautiful hotel...here is the view from our balcony looking out onto the Mekong
So we freshened up and then headed out again to visit a fish farm village, where they cultivate the fish by enclosing a giant net around their house. The houses are built on stilts, so there is quite enough room under their house for lots of fish.
Here I am feeding the fish
Next we went to visit the local Cham people, where we had to walk over a wood bridge to get to their village...Well after walking over, we see the village and all these kids come up to us trying to get us to buy their candy things. We thought the village was great until we realized, you could get their by car by the main road. The thought was good....The bridge
Here is Mike crossing the bridge to get back to the boat
As we were leaving, I took this picture....It is one of favorite pictures of local people doing what they do. She was washing something and yes, with water from the Mekong....LOVE IT
The next stop was a mountain we were suppose to climb to see the border between Vietnam and Cambodia. Turns out our mountain was actually a shrine with tons of stairs, but the view was worth it.
The border between the 2 countries is just beyond that row of trees. Crazy how close it was.
Here we are...
Our day was finally over and it was time to head back and say goodbye to our guide and driver. Our Vietnam part of the trip was over.
Guide, us, driver
We parted ways and Mike and I enjoyed the evening with massages followed by dinner. Then off to bed as we had to get up early again to catch another boat.
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