Thursday, July 1, 2010


I've been running around prepping for the arrival of Kara and Chris, who will be here tomorrow. I had to do all kinds of things, including finding all 4 of us outfits for the "yukata" boat ride we are taking tomorrow. Look for the post on that one later this weekend.

Well, after grocery shopping, I was buying alcohol so that it could also get delivered. I was roaming the wine aisles and stopped in front of some wine crates. the Japanese man was like "_____ taste wine______" something like that. SO I understood I could taste the wine, which I had seen some glasses there. Then he kept talking and I was nodding my head until he finally said "signed" and I looked down to see that the crates of wine in front of me were signed. I was like "oh yes, I see, I have been to this winery." Then this white man was like "really, when did you go." So I proceeded to chat with and say in March and he immediately replied that is was barrel tasting weekend. Obviously he knows this area. Turns out, he introduces himself, Ed St. John, and tells me that his wife is 3rd generation Pedroncelli and then hands me a card, which states he is VP and explains he is here promoting the wine. Leave it to me to run into random wine people who own the wineries. (this also happened to me in Houston at Kroger, ran into the owner, who signed my bottle, though I don't remember his name).

So we chatted a bit more and he offered to give me a tour of the winery whenever I am in town next. How cool is that! Now, I had to continue shopping since I had a 3pm time frame for delivery, but also picked up a bottle of the wine. This is where Mike says I'm a sucker and will buy anything. But after chatting with him, how could I not buy a bottle, plus, we all liked their wine anyway, so why not.

Here's to Pedroncelli...Wine cheers

1 comment:

  1. How cool!!! I remember you texting me about meeting the Red Truck wine guy. I'll have to check out Pedroncelli...and maybe even guy a bottle or two :-) Have a great time with Kara and Chris in town.
