Today I spent the day with my other friend, Jennifer Peacock, doing brunch and shopping and then meeting up again to go to the pool. Love her for inviting me to join her. So in between, I opened up the Bon Appetit and made the basic for this cool refreshing drink, which was perfect to drink after coming home from the pool and the heat.
Cucumber, Mint, Basil Soda is super tasty and probably would be just as good with some vodka to spice it up a bit.
Here's the infused syrup and then my glass!
Recipe courtsey of Bon Appetit
1 1/2 c Simple syrup
1/2 cucumber thinly sliced
24 fresh mint leaves
12 basil leaves
soda water
Bring syrup to a boil and add in the cucumber, mint leaves, and basil. Remove from the heat and cover for 30 minutes. Strain into a jar. Now for the drink: put some ice in the glass, add 2 tbsps. of the syrup and then fill the glass with soda. Add some mint leaves and cucumber slices for garnish. ENJOY!
there are also 3 more types of soda recipes, which I will definitely try at some point. I managed to drink 3 glasses of this stuff and am finishing my 3rd glass as I type to you. AND NO, there is no vodka in them, it's Sunday night.
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