Tuesday, March 16, 2010

BC Smuggler

These things seem to only happen to me and unfortunately Mike has to deal with it. I apologized to him perfusely, but it still makes me laugh because it would happen to me. So back in the states I had my birth control (BC; sorry if that's TMI for some of you) mailed to me directly from Medco especially since it was cheaper to pay for 3 months at a time than picking it up monthly at the drug store. Well, before we left, I got some samples from my doctor and had a packet shipped before I left so I would be good to go for a couple of months.

Well about 2 weeks ago, I got the email stating it was time to re-order, which I did and had it sent to Mike's work. Its all concealed, so no one would know what it is. Well I told Mike to look out for it and today I got the call that started with "You're killing me Amanda." He proceeded to tell me that my BC is being held in customs because they think I am trying to smuggle in drugs or prescriptions. This is where i said "i'm sorry Mike" like 50 times. They need a prescription stating my name, but I don't have the prescription. Apparently you are only allowed to ship 1 packet at a time...who knew???

So Mike told his secretary to have them open it up and just take one packet and have proceed to the mail room at this work. If they have to, they can throw the rest of it away. So now Mike, I, his secretary, and the customs people all think I am a BC smuggler, which I promise I am not.

After this incident, I think I better lay low before they may start watching me more carefully. But it is kind of funny, just a little bit.

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