Saturday, March 27, 2010

Date night

Mike and I had date night last night. We should have ordered out, but we are trying to get ready for bathing suit season and honeymoon, so only Saturday/Sunday is for bad eating. For dinner we had grilled sea bass and espinaca con garbanzos(spinach & chickpeas). I got the recipe from, which has become a new fave recipe website for me. The recipe called for smoked paprika as a finishing touch, which I conveniently had. My love for smoked paprika has grown into an affair ever since Mike and I used it on bacon wrapped mejole dates. love, love the stuff especially since it adds something extra. I even used it to season the fish! Dinner was excellent and will definitely be making that dish again.

So after dinner we watched the movie that Mike had picked up at the movie store. He wouldn't tell which movie it was until we were ready to see it. Well...Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull was playing at our house. Humor my sidetracking since it will all make sense.

So my bro-in-law, Matt, asked me a great question the other day, which was "how does one get mentioned on the blog?" I didn't have a good answer for him because no one had ever asked it and when I mention people, its because something makes me think of them or I know they would like whatever I'm doing. Here is a better answer, get mentioned when you give good advice!

Anywho, back to the movie. I asked Mike why he picked this movie because yeah. He said why not, even though Matt had told him it wasn't a great movie. Needless to say, Matt was right and why Mike didn't listen is beyond me. After about 5 minutes in, we both agreed it was bad. And then after about 30 minutes in, we were like, this is really, really bad, but Mike was like "we have to finish it now since we don't know what happens." I said "they have fast forward for that."
We did end up finishing the movie, even though I was about half asleep. the crystal skulls reminded me of the aliens from Independence Day, so I wonder if they used the same digital graphic stuff? hmmm

Well, thanks Matt for your advice and your question has now been answered! Next time, I pick the date night movie and hope Mike will make the dinner!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Smitten Kitchen. I have seen that recipe, I will def have to try it out :-) Yum, yum
