Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday night

After the long day of Mike putting together that large piece of equipment and me avoiding our bedroom, we went out to dinner with some of the people he works with. We went to this nice Thai restaurant on the 13th floor of a building. The view was amazing and you could see all of Roppongi. Apparently, this Thai place use to be the old Playboy Club, but there were no signs of it anywhere. The gentlemen were eagerly waiting throughout dinner for ladies to magically appear. It did not happen and they were disappointed. However, I had a great time and enjoyed dinner. Pictued below is the spicy papaya salad that I could not finish because my mouth was on fire...Also there is a picture of the variety of mini desserts I had. Yay for dessert. There is ice cream with a red wine sauce, a mini chocolate cake, fried banana with coconut milk sauce, and sticky rice with fresh mango and coconut milk. The sticky rice and mango I was not going to get, but there was a great sign that said "Please have some sticky rice and fresh mango with coconut milk." How could I resist. It was all yummy in my tummy, MMMMM.

After dinner we went out to "The First Bar" and had some drinks. There is picture of Rob, a guy who works with Mike, and his gf, Yoko, who went with us.

And of course, we, well I, wanted to take a picture, so we did. However, we had to take like 5 pictures to get a good one because I looked drunk in every single one of them or my eyes were really slanted and almost closed. Trust me, I wasn't drunk, I only had 2 beers, so I think it was the flash! This is the best one out of the five, but we also caught the couple behind us dancing and doing all kinds of other things (insert own images). It was a fun night and I'm looking forward to many more.

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