Well I called my friend Lorena to see if she wanted to meet for lunch and then head over to this river to see more cherry blossoms. She wanted to get out as well, so we went. We had Peruvian food for lunch and then headed to Naka-meguro. Now, I wouldn't call this a river by any means, seeing as how the water was very nil and probably came up to your ankles, maybe a little higher. It didn't matter, this place was beautiful with all the cherry blossom branches peaking over the river in full bloom. We walked up and down the river and were amazed. Here is a slew of pictures...
Now no trip is complete without pictures of us and random people...Me
Lorena and the cherry blossoms
Random lady eating her hot dog as her dog just chills...he was super cute
Randomly dressed girl (like a doll) and guy
This place was so great I even found a taco truck well, van in this case, but didn't stop. first place I have seen breakfast tacos advertised!
Now I realize I am all crazy about these flowers, but trust me, I will stop writing about them this week as they are falling off the trees. This is the one place where it looks so pretty as they fall, almost like snow and then float down the river.
We had a good time and I was really glad I found out about this place and the weather was good. I am hoping to frame some of them in color and black & white whenever we get back to the states. But for now, I'll just admire them on my computer. I can't pick a favorite, but thought this one looked cool.
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