Sunday, February 21, 2010

What a great weekend, kind of!

The weather has been quite difficult these past few weeks, but this weekend, it was beautiful. yesterday the high was 53F and sunny and today the sun is out again. Now you all know me, I would not say 53F and sunny is a great day since I am use to 75F, cool and cloudy as a great day in Houston, but since being here I have had to change my idea of what a great day is.

Mike and I went out to lunch and walked around just soaking up the sun. We got back to the apartment abour 3:30 or so and decided to hang out for the rest of the evening. Things were good until I started getting a headache and didn't feel very well. Next thing I know my nose was stuffed and I am coughing, which meant I was getting sick. Mike was like "are you allergic to sun that you are now getting sick." The answer of course, is no I am not allergic to sun, but allergic to the drastic weather changing.

I woke up to another beautiful morning and had a cough, stuffy nose, and can only breathe out of one nostril. It's a great day already. Mike won't come near me and says I can't go near him because I might breathe on him and get him sick. So I will unfortunately spend this nice day inside so that I can feel better.

I am currently searching the market for a new immune system, so if any of you know where I can find one, send the information, asap. Mike and I did crack some jokes about me being sick and he is hoping our future children have his immune system and skin since I get sick and have sensitive skin. I told him I hope they get my out-goingness and hair! Such love we have for each other!

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